Medical Qi Gong Level 1 Correspondence Course
Medical Qi Gong Level 1 Correspondence Course
Medical Qi Gong Level 1 Correspondence Course
Medical Qi Gong Level 1 Correspondence Course
Medical Qi Gong Level 1 Correspondence Course
Medical Qi Gong Level 1 Correspondence Course
Medical Qi Gong Level 1 Correspondence Course

Medical Qi Gong Level 1 Correspondence Course

Regular price $285.00
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A fully accredited course with Renascent College,The International College of Gem Essences and The International College of Intuitive Sciences. Accredited as part of the Diploma of Natural Health Sciences & recognised internationally as a professional practitioner.

Educational, fun, informative

Develop a new skill or expand on those you already have in health, healing and Qi Gong studies with the Medical Qi Gong Course.

Study in your own time, Set your own pace, Expand on skills for your, own health, wellbeing and personal development as well as assisting those around you

This kit contains:

  • The Qi Gong 1 Manual
  • Test Papers
  • Complete Course on DVD
  • Appointments to receive personal attunements

Qi Gong Healing has been around for 5000 years. The advanced levels of healing in China transcend the physical limitations and are not generally made public . Students will be able to change the fundamental condition of clients at the deepest level - not just the clearing of emotions, balancing through nutrition. 
On completion of level 1,2,3, Masters - you will be a Master Healer and be able to perform high level healings and practice the principles. Attune to your divine healing potentials, develop new skills for life & a natural health clinic, assist yourself, friends & family. 
All Practitioners will benefit and this will add the most valuable healing tool available to anyone's toolbox - the ability to transmute & transcend most physical, emotional, mental and spiritual concerns of your clients permanently and irreversibly. Transmit healing Qi at the highest level & remove and cleanse the illness Qi. 
Once attuned your hands, eyes, mind and heart are all healing tools that resonate with the Universal Pure Yang Qi and the Earthly Pure Yin Qi and this will develop your Human Qi to the highest level. The Master attunements are permanent and perfect. 
The gift of Mastership has to be earned and an ongoing commitment to the highest service to all is part of your requirement to receive it now. 
Are you ready?

QI GONG: health, healing, awareness Presenter: Daryll Mitchell

A wonderful (gentle) activity for harnessing Ch'i (energy) and utilising it for health, healing, youthfulness, flexibility and awareness. No experience necessary, wear comfy clothes, socks or slippers. Gentle exercises & spiritual teachings to guide you on your path. Each class consists of a combination of theory, spiritual cultivation, pranic (breath) and Ch'i (energy) exercises. Guided with grounded ancient arts & suggestions. Perfect for the beginner or those with experience. To free the mind, body & soul. All are welcome and enter at varying levels of fitness, health & body shape - feel comfortable & supported no matter what level you are at! Qi Gong class which will enable the students to more fully be involved in the cultivation process and understand the value of disciplined practice. The power of Qi Gong as a transformational tool is in the commitment to practice and the time involved in each of its activities:-

1.Mind will 2.Breath 3.Movement 4.Meditation

(Hours are accredited towards the Diploma of Natural Health Sciences with Renascent & The International College of Intuitive Sciences )

At the culmination of the course, submit the test papers to Renascent. Contact your instructor to arrange a personal meeting to receive your attunements - in person or over distance. A short video footage of yourself practicing is of assistance to assess your technique. Upon successful completion, your accreditation & certificate will be posted to you.

The first in 3 levels of Medical Qi Gong (Medical Qi Gong - 1,2 & 3) followed by Qi Gong Masters &/or Qi Gong Kinesiology.

This course is a pre requisite for the October series of events Qi Gong and Medical Qi Gong level 2

Purchase this course which contains approximately 8 hours of DVD footage (filmed in front of a live class), contact Mr Mitchell to receive your energy attunements (many of these will take place within the Qi Field that has been established for students when they are viewing this material), complete your test papers in your own time and return them for assessment. Upon successful completion your certificate will be posted to you.

This course is a stand alone course which qualifies you as a Medical Qi Gong (level 1 practitioner) and will allow you to practice in a natural health modality.

Click here to see the frequently asked questions on correspondence courses and attunements:

Click here for the Diploma application forms to see how your hours are accredited and recognised:

What makes these correspondence classes terrific is that as well as great material and time honoured practices and teaching that works, with a dedicated teacher, you also have access to 'real' people, you can contact your teacher by email, phone or in person to clarify any concerns that may pop up for you in the future.

We are here for you and strive to assist you in becoming the best practitioner you can be.............

We look forward to sharing with you in this fascinating, life changing course.