Brand New Crystal & Gem Essence Healing Wallchart(Supplied from the author). Perfect for beginners or the experienced. Discover how the particular gems you are attracted to reveal emotional, physical & mental well being, as easily as a clairvoyant reading. Basic listing of the healing properties of 40 gems for crystal healing & more.
Beautifully presented A1 size chart in full color
A vibrant informative and easy to read chart. The chart may be utilised by those working with essences and gems alike. Photographs of 40 gems & crystals & their individual healing properties, information on the manufacture & use of the gem essences, instructions for use, section on emotional concerns, color healing & the location of the 7 major chakras by Lesley Mitchell (Antonoff). (A1 size, full color)
A wonderful adjunct for the crystal workshop, the gem essence course & any natural therapies centre.
Size: A1 (590mm x 810mm) A vibrant informative and easy to read chart. The chart may be utilised by those working with essences and gems alike. Photographs of 40 gems & crystals & their individual healing properties, information on the manufacture & use of the gem essences, instructions for use, section on emotional concerns, color healing & the location of the 7 major chakras
Gaze upon the chart each morning & see which gem(s) pictures(s) is drawing your attention, read about the attributes of that gem & use the gem or essence - a personal insight of awareness & assistance to begin the day everyday.